About Us

St Barnabas Church Winchester

Sharing Life, Sharing Jesus

We are a friendly Winchester community-based church of all ages. Our aim is to be here for people living within the local area.

We are passionate about God and we want to become more like him in character and actions. Jesus has the power to transform our lives, relationships and communities in North Winchester and beyond; and his desire is for restoration and renewal.

We are a place of belonging wherever you are at on your faith journey. While our two Sunday worship celebrations are important to the rhythm of the church, we are constantly creating small groups and informal places during the week where we can explore what Christian community looks/feels/tastes like in our homes, suburbs and city.

We want you to feel like you belong whatever your background, past or present and whatever you’re going through. Together we want to meet Jesus and receive, and work out how we can use our unique skills and abilities.

St Barnabas also has a strong ethos of working for social justice both here and abroad.

The heart of St Barnabas is our desire to seek God; to grow in the quality and depth of relationship with him and each other and to step out in love and service to our local communities.


Jesus said “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10

Our Vision Statement

What we want:
For everyone in our local community to experience the Kingdom of God

So that all have a chance to live our lives to the full

By daring to be outrageous in our ambitions, acknowledging God in all our ways

We are committed to joining God’s mission through building great communities of people who want to follow Jesus Christ and share his love for us in serving the local area.