9am 19th June 2016

[podlove-episode-web-player publisher="193" post_id="193"] Sermon given by Clive Beard at the 9am Service Sunday 19th June 2016.

10.45am 12th June 2016

[podlove-episode-web-player publisher="154" post_id="154"] Sermon given by Revd Ed Dines 10.45am Sunday 12th June 2016 from Bible readings Romans 8 and John 1.

9am 12th June 2016

[podlove-episode-web-player publisher="152" post_id="152"] Sermon given by Revd Ed Dines 9am Sunday 12th June 2016 from Bible readings Romans 8 and John 1.

10.45am 29th May 2016

[podlove-episode-web-player publisher="158" post_id="158"] Sermon given by Licensed Lay Minister John Spens at 10.45am Service 29th May 2016.

9am 29th May 2016

[podlove-episode-web-player publisher="156" post_id="156"] Sermon given by Licensed Lay Minister John Spens at the 9am Service Sunday 29th May 2016.

14th February 2016

[podlove-episode-web-player publisher="78" post_id="78"] Sermon given by Revd Ed Dines 9am Second Sunday of Lent, 14th February 2016, from Bible readings Acts 4: 32 – 37 and Luke 9: 10 -17.